Plaza de Castilla, 3 - 15º E1. 28046 Madrid | Tel. 91 323 18 88 |

Technological ally

For those foreign companies or projects that simply want to establish themselves in Spain and want to start operating in the national market, R&A Marketing is your best technological ally. With a deep knowledge of the industry, we help you develop your B2B sales network and position your products in the Spanish and/or Portuguese market.

Marketing Plan

Our Telemarketing force will help you to promote your product, arrange visits to your sales team and help fill your presentations with potential customers. We will reinforce your marketing plan with a website, digital store or online marketing campaigns.


At R&A Marketing we are the ideal partner to reduce the time to market for any company wishing to establish in Spain or Portugal. You can position products in Spain without the need to establish yourself creating a fast and profitable time to market without the need of offices or representations that burden your fixed commercial costs.

Distribution network

You may also wish to seek a distribution network in the Spanish wholesale market or an investment partner or a network of retailers to develop your own sales channel. R&A Marketing can help you to successfully achieve any proposition within the Iberian Peninsula.

Can we help you with your project?
